ATTOTECH ATT is Manual and CNC horizontal arm coordinate measuring machine.
Also, You can choice high precision CNC system with renishaw and tesa probe system.
ATTOTECH ATT is very compact designed, space efficiency is very high and low cost.
Main X-axis and vertical Z-axis made from stabilized steel. Horizontal Y-axis made from extrudedanodized aluminum alloy.( small model : Y-axis made from stabilized steel )
ATTOTECH ATT is Runway type manual or CNC Layout Machine for precision measuring and scribing work. ( CNC model for only measuring )
ATTOTECH ATT measures and scribes large-sized workpieces.
ATTOTECH ATT consists of a simple single arm configuration optimized for easy manual 3 axis motion.
You can use ATT easily with very fine plane and guide
Also you can select DRO counter and 3D measuring software.
I prepare the various measuring software for many customers. ( PC-DMIS, EXLE, Rational-DMIS, CMM-MANAGER etc. ) Also, I have a special reporting program for your company.
Smart of Layout M/C is at ATTOTECH ATT’s core. However, it is flexibleenough to satisfy also more demanding needs – whether whenit comes to measuring or scribing.
ATTOTECH ATT-D isdual arm version of ATT series. Also special work tables, as scribing kit and the measurement software extendthe CMM’s usability even further.
When it comes to measuring ATTOTECH ATT is as reliable as the most advanced CMMs. At the same time it is easier touse than many other CMMs thanks to its manual handling.
ATTOTECH ATT offers simple or advanceddigital readouts and DRO software ( industrial computer) with various functions to display measurement data. For more complex geometric inspection jobswe equip ATTOTECH ATT with our measurement software which is available in different versionsfor specific tasks. You can have perfect 3D CMM include measurement software with our one ATT.
Simply remove the probe head andsubstitute it with the scribing holder. Your device is ready for comfortable and precise scribing in no time.
Tungsten carbide tips are available to create particularly clean-cut lines even on the most difficult surfaces.
- High rigid structure and Precision Layout M/c.
- Can select CNC or Manual Model.
- X-axis and Z-axis with linear guideways and recirculating bearings.
- Y-axis with bearings drive system on friction
- High space efficiency, and smart design.
- Special designed Y arm tension system for extreme low bending .
- Manual measurements and scribing with large workpieces
- Various ranges for X, Y and Z axes.
- Cast ironplate available as an option.That plate also available withT-slot, I-slot or other special machining).
- Minimum installation time thanks to simple construction.
- Axes are manually handled via control knobs, independent brakes on all separately.
- Scales and linear optical transducers on all axes.( Optical scale, Magnetic scale )
- Mechanical horizontal arm counterbalance system with fall-stop safety
- CMM probe head for measurement applications.( Renishaw or TESA )
- Available with optional scribing kit and accessories for any kind of scribing
- Wide range of simple or advanced DRO system, alternatively software.
PRECISION LAYOUTآلة 精密レイアウトマシン 精密布局机 精密佈局機
三坐标测量机 三坐標測量機 Menyelaras Mesin Mengukur 座標測定機 ประสานงานเครื่องวัด Phối hợp ĐO MÁY
machine တိုင်းတာခြင်း coordinate KOORDINAT MENGUKUR MESIN